Located at 130 km west of Bangkok, this verdant mountainous region attracks each year millions of visitors. This region is world widely know by its famous “Bridge of the River Kwai”. It is during World War II, in 1941, that Massive Japanese imperial military forces disembarked in many points of Thailand. They invade quickly the country and get to Bangkok. To prevent destruction, the Thai government consented to cooperate with Japanese. A 415 km railway was built to join Thailand to Burma. The route of this railway borders the bed of the Kwai Noi River and Steps over the Kwai Yai River where the bridge was built.
Apart from the facts about the World War II, Kanchanaburi is a pleasant region with beautiful sceneries of mountains, forests, rivers and waterfalls. Many hotels from deluxe ones to small Raft houses offer accommodation in Kanchanaburi.